Thursday, October 11, 2007

Movie Night: The Passion

Well, in our second installment, we had another dinner/movie night at the Kilcups here. Again, the students from the local high school came, which was a really big blessing! We ate Korean Barbecue. You heat coals in a bucket, then put a metal lid/grate kind of thing on top, which has a lip around the edge where you pour a kind of broth. So in the middle is a raised dome where you cook the meat. Around it is a moat of broth where you can cook veggies, ramen type noodles, and meat as well if you like. You just reach in with your chopsticks when it looks done and take what you want. It's really quite fun. We also had a number of different kinds of Thai fruit, the Palmello and Papaya.The ants tried to get to all the good stuff, but they're efforts were... squashed...

Hands reaching with chopsticks into the pot... Yum!

So we watched the "Passion", as a kind of follow-up to the Nativity that we watched a couple weeks back. We had about 11 people show up: Myself and Leah, Jim and Kathy, Orawan, Ya, Neang, Sai, then the students- Korn, Doc, and Foam. So we had a nice crowd. Throughout the movie, Orawan and Ya were again explaining what was going on. Things like the veil tearing in the temple, Judas Iscariot, and so on... Important things about the story that might pass them up. They were extremely interested, and listened and watched very seriously. Even Doc, who is usually making jokes, was very serious. We gave them some tracts about the "Passion" afterward, which had been translated into Thai. We are praying that each step the Lord allows us to take is a step toward their salvation. It would thrill our hearts to see these young people decide to follow our Lord Jesus. What a thrill it was to see Him working in their hearts! They are very tender to it, I think.
Orawan and Korn at the Korean BBQ

Just watching all of this happen made me think about what the Bible says about the "New Covenant". Thinking of human history, and how God interacted with man, and how it culminated in the New Covenant. And to watch the movie as everything unfolds, it reflected back to the last supper, where Jesus says, "this is the blood of the New Covenant". Wow, it all came to what Jesus did, didn't it? What He did on the cross, was God giving us a covenant that was completely of His doing, something that would finally and fully obliterate the sin problem we brought on. Amazing. I am so thankful that God allowed us to see His Holy Spirit working in the hearts of our friends that night. Thank you to all who prayed for this, it isn't the end of the story. No, in fact, it's just the beginning!

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