Monday, February 18, 2008

This Journey we are On

Wow, what a time. I cannot believe the semester is actually coming to an end. I still remember first coming to Thailand and thinking, "Wow, we're going to be here for a long time!" And here we are at the half way mark of sorts! It's certainly been the hardest thing we have ever endeavored to do, and yet we have seen how that God is teaching us and doing things in us that could be done perhaps nowhere else. Perhaps this is the only way God could show us what He is showing us. But that is probably another post, which we'll work on next!

This semester has been wonderful. God has allowed me to see some wonderful things happen here during this school term. I had the opportunity to share Christ with at least 60 of my students in a direct way in my class on cultures of English Speaking Countries. Then around Christmas time, we had the opportunity of introducing many of the students to the church when we helped them learn Christmas carols. We have been given many opportunities to build relationships with the students by involving ourselves in their lives via extracurricular activities. They always seem to ask for Archan Andrew and Leah's help. Incidentally, it is really something that they are on a first name basis with Leah. God has taught us the value of relationships even for sharing Christ. In this culture, it is absolutely crucial to effective evangelism, and so we are excited to see God doing this. As Surin Baptist Church looks to build (and possibly close to this university), we are hoping that any way that God has used us might help and strengthen the future of the church here in Surin. We are thankful for how God has cared for us and taken us through these 6 plus months. We are thankful to the Hayes for being there and doing a Bible study with us on Monday nights. That has given us a sounding board to get our frustrations out where we can deal with them. And we are thankful for all of our Thai friends. While we have left our families in the US, we have gained other families here in Thailand. And so we are very thankful people.

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