Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thai Fever: Round Two

Ding ding! And another round of illness for the Thai Kilcups. That's right, no sooner had Drew gotten over his fever than Leah came down something. This was Sunday morning and Leah had come down with her own 100+ fever. We weren't able to see the doctor until Sunday night. When we finally were able to get to the hospital, we found out it wasn't just a fever, it was a kidney infection! Wow, that was a little scary. But God was still so good.

The next three days found us making regular visits to the hospital for a series of shots that Leah needed. Ouch! Still, every day found the situation getting progressively better. It made for a long week, but one that God used in a unique way in our lives. He just kept drawing us closer to Himself and each other. Through each hardship and trial, God just knit our hearts together with Him. Was it a lot of fun? Of course not, but it was priceless for our marriage and our relationship with our God.

Please keep praying for Leah as she struggles with homesickness. It has been very hard for her all of a sudden and needs prayer. She knows God has us here for a good purpose but misses familiarity. Please keep us in your prayers.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Thai Fever: Round One

Well, you know it had to be coming. You don't go to a foreign country without getting sick in some kind of way. But I didn't really expect this. Thursday, I started to feel a little bad. I woke up that morning with a cold, again, didn't really see that coming. We went on with the day, and I just kept getting more and more tired and the cold symptoms kept getting worse. We rode over to the church to try and upload some pics and videos, but I couldn't last long, I was so tired. A few of our friends from church came over to see our place, and so we stayed up until about 9:00pm. I was exhausted. So I laid down on the couch and we tried to watch some TV. Leah felt my head and said I was burning up. So we took my temperature... 102! Ouch. So off went the TV and into bed I went.

It was a long night fighting the fever. Leah stayed right there, making sure I didn't cover up too much and kept the cold air on the outside and the water on the inside! I've never drunk so much water in my LIFE! The next day, we kept taking the temperature and it stayed around 101-102. So it was off to the Thai hospital. It was a great experience, I was in and out in 30 minutes and had seen the doctor and received medication all for about $10.00! Wow! So all yesterday I just took it easy and kept on the meds. Today the fever was down to about 99, and I felt good enough to come over and update everyone! Praise the Lord. We were worried it might be this or that, especially the Dengue Fever which can last for two weeks. The doctor said he thinks it is just a flu that developed from the cold. I have been doing much better since and am regaining more and more strength every day!

Thank you all for praying and remembering me! God has been so good to us here.


The many missadventures of the Drewster and the La.

Day one...ant explosion. We have been told that the ants in Thailand are unlike any other. They get into everything and there is preaty much nothing you can do about it but store EVERYTHING in tupperware. The first day we moved into our home we noted a black oily spot on the wall. It was a nest! I start yelling for Drew who runs to fill a bucket of water. (take note that we had no bug spray) I start beating on the ants with a broom. They start running up the handle and attack my arms and start biting my legs. Drew comes to the rescue and dumps the water. The water serves to flush the whole ant army over Drew's own feet as well. It was a Lucy, Ethel moment. Suddenly out of nowhere our five foot savior comes running with a can of bug spray! Our Thia land lady saved the day, all the while smiling away as she blasted the suckers.

Day two...Bike flip. Conquering the ants and rising as heroes we went out and purchased a new bike for me (The la) I was so excited! I have not had my own bike since I was 14. It has a bell and a basket and place for boxes on the back and it's oh so shiny! All day Drew and I zipped around riding, loving the feeling of the wind through my hair. We stopped at the store and on the way home it began to get dark. I flipped on my brand new bike lite and was ringing my bell and loving the wind and when suddenly I took a curve too fast! As I flew through the air all I could think of was, "I must protect the bike. I fell, it landed on me and grocerys went every where. Do not worry folks. The bike is fine!

The La

Saying good by in Bangkok

Well, we took the teens back to Bangkok this week and had a few days to explore the city with them. Why is it when you want to do outdoor sightseeing you get hit with the hottest day so far on our visit? We went to the Royal palace and dripped our way through. But it was a lovely cultural expedience. They require a dress code and two of our ladies pants where showing ankles! Shock! So they actually h ave you where one of their wrap Thai skirts to be more "modest" if you will. It is good to respect one's culture though and the girls laughed it off in good fun. Jean, one of the girls, actually went out after and bought a skirt just like the one she had to where because she liked it so much.
The next day we went to the worlds largest crocodile farm. It was really amazing! We got to watch a show where they put their heads in the crocs mouths and wrestle them about. (why anyone in their right mind would do that is beyond me..) We where able to feed the crocs chicken on a string. Kinda like fishing, except in stead of guppies you get a three hundred pound crock jumping up at you. We pet gibbon monkeys as well who kept trying to steel our glasses. He was a soft as a teddy bear but as clever as a fox.
The highlight was when they brought out a full grown female tiger. For six dollars I was able to sit with her, scratch her back and take pictures! It was one of those life long dreams of mine. Bet you can't do that in the states! Ha ha...It was so soft and warm to touch one. She kept rumbling and purring. Don't worry folks. She was wearing a large collar with chain attached! When we left I looked down at my shirt and realized I had tiger fur on it. Very amazing!
When the time came to say good by to the teens I suddenly began to struggle. I had had such an amazing time with them that I didn't stop to think about what it would be like to not have them around. Each one I felt I was able to get to know and love more as we spent time together. My only prayer was that their time here helped them to grow closer to their God.
As they gave us tearful hugs and jumped on the van I realized my last connection to the states was leaving. We waved long after they had turned a corner and for a second a wild part of me wished I was with them still. But deep in my heart there is a constant knowing that this is where I am meant to be. Along side Drew and with God I can be anywhere.
la kilcup

Monday, August 13, 2007

First Week in Thailand

It has certainly been a packed week! So much going on, sometimes we feel like we haven't much gotten our feet under us yet. But at the same time, God is so very good to us. We have had abundant opportunity to serve Him and been a part of so much going on! No doubt about it, the transition from the United States to Thailand is not an easy one. But then we have to remember that it is only the first week and we shouldn't expect ourselves to just acclimate right away.

We did a lot of teaching in the schools this week, opening up some doors to the area high
schools. Pictured is Andrew leading a game of "Red light - green light" teaching the English words for directions and traffic symbols. Through such seemingly simple teaching, we were able to build relationships with not just the students at the school, but teachers as well. Leah and I were able to talk with one of the teachers, who is taking English herself. Bridges were built which will hopefully turn into future opportunities. It is amazing how something as simple as English can really open such doors to tell others about our Jesus!

We were also able to visit the elephant village, a certain "must" for the Anchor group to se
e while in Surin. They put on quite a show too, pictured is Andrew getting walked over by one of these elephants. Obviously, I am alive, I'm writing this blog! But I must say having such a humongous bestie treading over your chest is not exactly relaxing! What a place though, dozens of elephants just walking all over the place. Not something you will see in America.

We are just so thankful to the Lord for how He has taken care of us. He has given us new and old friends. Leah has picked up where she left off with her friends she made in 2003, and Andrew has been able to make friends as well during the week. Some of the student helpers we met at the sch
ools this week came to Sunday service! Wow, that was exciting. One of them was studying graphic design, and so I was able to show him some of my work. I was excited that we connected on a level, because that is a bridge built through which the gospel can be taken to this guy. The teens were able to build many bridges as well, pictured are some of the guys playing a Thai sport, Takraw. It is like hacky sack in the US, but over a badminton style net. Very interesting, and our guys didn't do so bad!

Again, thanks to all who are praying for us. We are doing well, struggling with everything that is new, but excited about what God is already doing in us!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

First Couple Days in Thailand

Greetings again, I am glad to finally be able to write and update our blog! So far so good here. We are beginning to learn how difficult it is to adapt to such a place. We came over with the teens from Anchor Baptist and have have been encouraged with how excited they are to try everything. Still, there is that voice in the back of our heads that reminds us that all of these new things will have to become our new "normal" if we are to truly adapt. That's harder than it may seem! The flight in was relatively uneventful, apart from a grumpy passport checker at the Thai airport. After we got through that, we had a wonderful reuniting with the Hayes and the Joneses at the airport. Matt Jones was holding a sign that read, "Drew and Leah are cool"... what a welcome!

After a short night's sleep, we began trekking to Surin, stopping at some very old ruins along the way. Surin is a wonderful little town, and we have enjoyed our time here. Today (Sunday) was a wonderful experience in Satuk Baptist Church. The group sang and played instruments and gave testimonies of what God is doing in their lives.

In the evening I lead an English Bible study here at the church. We are excited to get moved in and settled here. We paid up on our house and received the keys, now we just need to move in. For all of those praying for us, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It is difficult, no way around that, but God is greater than any difficulty we may encounter. His people here are so wonderful and are making the transition more of a pleasure than a trial! Until next time! ...