Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wherever God Leads...

Well, perhaps it's been a little too long since last we updated this blog. We will play catch-up very soon. There has been so much happening, it has been a whirlwind of a summer! Although... honestly, all year has felt like "summer" in one way or another. Point aside, God is at work in our hearts and lives, that is for sure.

We came to Thailand to try and discern if this is the place God would have us stay on a permanent basis. In fact, we were kind of set on that notion. We sold or gave away much of our belongings, and settled down on the idea that we would set up a basis from which we could serve in this country for a long time. The first 6 months were rather brutal, adjusting to so much and going through some of the hardest struggles that we have ever faced. But God only showed His goodness and love through it and we came through just fine. But something else was going on. During the time that we have spent here, we have seen a change in our heart. God has changed us, there's just no way around that. We are not the same people we were when we left the United States. But perhaps it is that we have a bigger heart for the US. Strange as it may sound, living and serving the Lord in Thailand has given us a bigger burden and urge to serve in the US.

Funny thing is, it has nothing to do with culture, food, comforts or any such thing. Truth is, life can be very comfortable in a place without all the trappings and distractions of American life. The slowed pace and general friendliness of the people honestly make it a wonderful place to live and raise children. But it's not a matter of comfort, it's a matter of following the Lord's direction. And for whatever reason, it is pointing us back to the US. Lest any think this to be a sudden and rash decision, this is something we have toiled over in study and prayer for months and months. We were both determined that it would not be for any reason such as discomfort or frustration. While those may be a part of life at times here, it is also found in life anywhere.

Of course, I realize that this begs the questions, "what next", or "where will you go", or "what will you do"? Honestly, we don't have those answers. It seems that God reveals the next step, one step at a time. While I would love to know what's around the next 12 turns in the road, God chooses to reveal one at a time. While here in Thailand, we have realized that God has given us many opportunities and has opened our eyes to abilities and possibilities that we had not dreamed of. So the answer to "where " or "what" is impossible to find at this point. It could be anywhere, anything. All I know is that we will follow Him wherever He leads. As we find out more, we will keep you posted here.

In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for some updates from this summer. There's been a lot happening.

Following Him wherever He leads us,
